Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, I got a new lens today...

I got a new lens today AFTER I took the photos at the park - of course! It's ok - I still need to learn how to use it. I'm pretty excited about it!

New lens:

Why Blogger is cutting off the right side of my photos, I have no idea.

Some photos I took earlier today. The weather was beautiful! It was almost too hot!

407b by you.

453b by you.

318b by you.
362b by you.

376b by you.

209b by you.

207b by you.

157b by you.

159b by you.

014bc by you.

056b by you.

072b by you.

096b by you.

121b by you.

229b by you.

232b by you.


  1. annawan24 (aka Joanne)April 23, 2009 at 5:21 PM

    Great pics Mandy, they are so gorgeous.

    Did you make all the outfits on Kayla? I love the skirs with the tank (that's a Joules tank right?)

    I still owe you pics of Jacqueline in the set you made - it's so gorgeous on her. I'll be ordering more from you as soon as you get the etsy store up - hurry, lol.

  2. Great pics, I can't wait to place an order!!

  3. Too cute!! Wow, you have so much colorful stuff! Lovely work girlie! You're gonna rock Etsy!

  4. Hurry up and open your shop already, girl!!! I'm drooling all over my laptop looking at all your gorgeous dresses on Kayla! :)

  5. Oops-- that last comment was from me-- Wendy aka wens3boys on gf :)

  6. Mandy....have you been eating? sleeping? or are you just sewing 24/7? I love all of these fabulous pictures....YUM YUM YUM :)

  7. Jeanette (Zazamom)April 24, 2009 at 2:39 AM

    Oh Mandy! Just gorgeous TOLl creations and of course Miss Kayla is rocking every one of them too! Can't wait for the grand opening of the Etsy store:)

  8. mandy, LOVE the set you made for charlie! i will send you pics when i try it on her!! it's finally warm here, yay!! :)

  9. Hey there, Mandy! This is Kristin and I'm Easton's mom from Feb '05 BBC. I just came across a post of yours on GymboFriends and was like, "What the heck?" Kayla has gotten to be even more beautiful, if that was possible. Look at her being a total model for you!

    Hope you're well!
