Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some fabric sneak peeks...

Well, I rearranged my sewing room (aka "dining room") to make it more user friendly and I just love the set-up now! I wish I could say that I had a nice fancy sewing room with all the bells and whistles but for now it's just me and my sewing machine in the dining room with the kids occasionally looking on.

I did stop to snap those pics that I promised. These are a few of them. I will post more later this week. :)
006 by you.


009 by you.

Oh and look what I have in my hot little hands! I am sewing this up for a customer but there is a part of me that wants to run away to a far away land with this treasure.
017 by you.

And last but not least - my work area. Do not mind the toys. You know how it goes.
002 by you.

You can see my bins are packed with fabric, scraps, notions, and of course, yarn! Yes, I knit, too!
004 by you.

That's all for now folks! :)


  1. Oh goodness! You'll be building onto the house soon!

  2. I love all that new fabric!!! Can't wait to see what it becomes :)

  3. Hehe, Thats all mine on that table!! Cant wait :)

  4. I love all the new fabric, i can't wait to see what you make with it~

  5. please know I am stalking you and once Gabby is walking, I am ordering a butt load of stuff! Your work is awesome Mandy!
