Friday, May 15, 2009

I must bid farewell...

to my daughter's old crib. I am so sad. Not because she ever used it, but because we were planning to use it for her Big Girl Bed. However, a little kink in our plans - the crib was actually recalled a year or two ago (again, she never used it) so we have to mail in the brackets for a voucher to get a new crib (5-in-one). So not only do I have now decide on bedding, I have decide on a whole new bed! :)

Don't laugh at my hangers. They were the only ones that I had that would swivel. These are just the completed size 3 Janies.

Tomorrow, after I surgically extract myself from my sewing machine, I will be out and about searching for bedding and room decor for my princess. Pottery Barn Kids, watch out! Here I come!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Looking ahead to Fall...

My mind has been working overtime thinking of what I would like to design for fall. I have some fabric selected already - now what to do with it! What do you think? Pretty?


Something tells me I am going to be busy tonight wrapping and shipping :)
009 by you.

021 by you.

020 by you.