Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where ya' been, Mandy?

I've been sewing! :)

In tomorrow's outgoing mail will be three Flower Power knot dresses, two Flirt Halters, and a Daisy Chain tunic. These are all orders that I took before I opened shop on etsy so I know those of you who have been waiting are so happy to hear this!

And most importantly, I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who ordered from me through my new etsy boutique. I really appreciate my customers and am excited to sew for everyone!

I've been playing around some more with my camera. I must confess, I like my photos with lots of color - almost technicolor. It cheers me up.

005 by you.
Glare city on these pics. I need to work on that but I don't know how. Guess I better research it!



055 by you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yes, tonight is the night!

I have stocked my store:

I will be periodically be stocking more items in the very near future!

Will tonight be the night?

I am hoping to at least get a couple things listed tonight after the kiddos go to bed. I'm excited! I'll get the Dick and Jane dress listed for sure. :)

And I've been playing with my new lens a bit. I think it's very cool but there is definitely a learning curve for me (total novice). It doesn't help that I'm also learning how to adjust my white balance at the same time. Keep in mind that flickr cuts off the right side of my pics -too big I am guessing?


086 by you.

032b by you.

039 by you.

Manual focus can be tricky :)085 by you.

046 by you.

The flash automatically activated in this one - looks nice though138 by you.

I used the "shade" option for the white balance in this shot - came out too warm119b by you.

This one is my favorite

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, I got a new lens today...

I got a new lens today AFTER I took the photos at the park - of course! It's ok - I still need to learn how to use it. I'm pretty excited about it!

New lens:

Why Blogger is cutting off the right side of my photos, I have no idea.

Some photos I took earlier today. The weather was beautiful! It was almost too hot!

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318b by you.
362b by you.

376b by you.

209b by you.

207b by you.

157b by you.

159b by you.

014bc by you.

056b by you.

072b by you.

096b by you.

121b by you.

229b by you.

232b by you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Looking forward to the weekend!

It's only hump day and I'm already looking forward to the weekend. Why, you ask? Because we are taking the kids to their first baseball game! There is a brand-spanking-new minor league ballpark about ten minutes from our house and something tells me that we will be spending a lot of time there in the years to come. I am very excited!

Other than that, I am just going to get my store set up this weekend, finish up several custom orders, and then stock some custom slots!

Align Center019

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's in a name?

I have been thinking a lot about what I am going to name my dresses. It's harder than seems - at least for me it is. I have never been very good with names, even as a child. I can always remember a face or a building. I guess that makes me a visual person?

What to call my latest....Daisy? Too predictable? Raspberry Twist? Hmmm..


Oh - what you are waiting for and the point of this blog. My etsy store is but it is not set up yet. I will be working on that over the next few days. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

So exhausted

I am feeling exhausted from sewing so much but I'm determined to stay on track!

Miss Kayla was not in the mood to model today. I only hope she is in better spirits when we head to the park for our photo shoot later this week! Grandma will be with us and she always makes us laugh so it should work out well. Crossing fingers...




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Sunday, April 19, 2009

I tried this little set on Miss Kathy Bubbles today (Kayla has informed me that is her new name) for some quick pics and Kayla...err Kathy...squealed with delight and told me that she loves it and wants to keep it. She is so cute.




Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are you ready for Easter?

Time completely got away from me this week and now I'm preparing for a fun Easter with the kids at the last minute! We are getting ready to dye some eggs - nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?

Before I do that, I wanted to share photos of a halter top that I finished today. I have a wonderful customer who asked me to make a halter top to coordinate with her Transportation ruffles by Matilda Jane. I ended up loving this top so much that I made one for Kayla and may be stocking it in my store when I open. It's so pretty!

I don't have the ruffles but do have the same fabric in a dress - that is what you see under the halter top.:)

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Unfortunately, it was the worst time of the day to take photos so the color is a bit funky in these:


I also finished up all but one of my Ava Rose halter/ruffle sets and am going to be sewing the buttons on all the pockets tonight and sending the sets out on Monday. I know a lot of you are looking forward to your set!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have been working hard and am right on schedule. I'm very happy about that! Now let's see if company coming to my house today doesn't set me back. I love a challenge!

With that, I will leave you with some more photos of the fabrics that I will be working with next week.
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And last but not least, my big pile of Flower Power :)007 by you.